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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Stay Healthy!!!!!

             There have been a lot of people lately that have asked me how I stay so thin, how did I get my abs, etc.... First let me just tell everyone that I am naturally tall and thin, and Second that I am in no way a Health Professional, but I will say that I have talked to other people who are professionals in the field. They have told me that I am doing a lot of things right, so.... you be the judge.

I know it's the end of the year, and everyone is coming up with resolutions for the year to come, and #1 on most people's list is to LOSE WEIGHT! Am I right? Well, I'm sure that plan and excitement only lasts for a couple weeks, maybe a month tops.... Why does that happen? and why doesn't the love of wanting to lose weight and working out last? As my friend Mark Jones (Founder of Temple Builders and One Fit Jam) Would say... "It's about Loving yourself first!"

Self Love I have found in a lot of ways helps you to stay on track with goals in life and in wanting to stay healthy. Loving others also is important, you want to stay around for as long as you can to see your family grow right! Do you want to meet new people and enjoy being around your friends?!

A thing that may cause a burnout, is the kind of workout that you are doing. Maybe it's not the right one for you. A boring workout is not motivating! Me personally I am a Dancer (Ballet, Hip hop, Jazz, Modern), so that's where most of my workout comes from, and it's so much fun!!!! I also have done Pilates, which is a way of stretching and strengthening, Love it!! I am also part of One Fit Jam, which is Based in San Diego, Ca. It's a new revolution in Fitness, and it's a lot of fun, because it mixes dance and fitness together! We use popular music that is out right now, and other hits that people know. The work out is always different and you work every part of your body (Abs, arms , legs). It's a really great workout!!!

There are so many endless options out there, that I'm sure you all can find one that you like. You don't ever have to stick to one workout either, it's best to switch it up and do something new, so you have a variety of workouts to choose from. And also, don't feel like you have to go to the Gym! I haven't been to a gym in years....I do a lot of my workouts at home. You can go to the park, take a walk on trails, take a hike, play the Wii, etc...

Besides having a good workout routine, eating habits often have to change for you to see any results. Now Me I LOVE FOOD!!! Anyone that knows me and has been around when I'm eating, knows I throw down when it comes to food. But one thing that I have done for years and is most likely why I am still thin, is that I don't sit and eat huge portions every time I sit and have a meal. I eat small portions and have snacks throughout the day. Now a snack doesn't mean eating an entire large bag of Lay's Potato Chips!!!! and don't get me wrong I love Sweets... But I mix in healthy alternatives as well, so there is a balance.

Example: For breakfast I will have Oatmeal or Yogurt, then in between I will have a piece of fruit (apple, orange, grapes) whatever is in the house at the time, or I'll have a nutri grain Bar, a ganola bar something like that.
Then I'll have another snack before lunch time to tie me over till then, like Wheat thins, Crackers and cheese, Crackers and peanut butter, something like that.
Lunch always changes, but sometimes I will have a Salad and a sandwich with some chips on the side. It really depends on what I'm in the mood for. Another thing, your salad doesn't have to be boring!!! Dress it up add things like Grilled Chicken, Shrimp, Crab. Carrots, Tomateos, Almonds. Things that are healthy, but also taste good together.
I'll have more snacks after that, then Dinner later and a snack after dinner.

I don't eat out very often, and have most of my meals at home. I also eat mostly Chicken or Fish and have really cut Red Meat out of my diet. I will have Brown rice, wheat bread and Wheat pasta instead all the white. I love Smoothies! I make them all the time at home, and it's a great way to get your fruit in for the day.

I know what I do may not work for everyone, but it works for me. My main point, is that you shouldn't sit and stuff your face with just anything, I know that somethings that are healthy may not taste as good as the things that aren't as healthy for you, but little by little, you should try to subsitute and see what works for you. You never know... Try new foods!!!!

I could go on and on, but I thought I would just share a little bit on how I stay healthy in my life, and maybe it could help someone else :)

Get Moving and have a Healthy New Year!!!! :D

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